Biomatrica公司DNAgard® Blood Tubes
DNAgard® Blood Tube is designed for the collection, preservation and shipping of whole blood samples for genomic DNA isolation. The preservative reagent rapidly permeates cellular structures and membranes (cell lysis) to stabilize and protect genomic DNA in whole blood samples. The use of DNAgard Blood Tube provides a streamlined workflow from blood collection in the clinic or field to sample processing in the laboratory.
Collect, ship and preserve DNA in blood under optimal conditions
Recover high quality DNA (high MW fragments)
Recover quantitative DNA (yield)
Figure-1: DNAgard Blood Tube formulation preserves DNA in whole blood for 3 months. Gel images of isolated genomic DNA recovered from blood samples preserved for 14 months in DNAgard Blood (DGB) at room temperature, in a competitor preservative (COM) at room temperature, unprotected (NP) at room temperature, versus control (-20°C).
Broad range of applications
DNA protected using the DNAgard Blood Tube formulation is suitable for use in many downstream applications, e.g. long-range PCR, real time PCR, etc.
Figure 2A . Successful Long-range PCR after 2 months storage. Genomic DNA isolated from human whole blood stored for 60 days in the DNAgard Blood Tube formulation, non-protected (NP) or frozen at -20°C. Long-range PCR amplification of a 22 Kbp amplicon was performed on the DNA (M = 1 kb ladder). Figure 2B. Real-time PCR after 1 month storage. Genomic DNA isolated from human whole blood stored for 30 days in the DNAgard Blood Tube formulation or frozen at -20°C was quantified using real-time PCR amplification of the b-actin gene.
Representative DNA yield
DNA protected using the DNAgard Blood Tube formation is suitable for use in many downstream applications, e.g. long-range PCR, real time PCR, etc.
Figure 3. qPCR quantification after 1 month storage of blood, from 3 different donors, in DNAgard Blood Tube formulation (RT), Competitor (RT) or frozen (-20°C).
Evacuated, sterile, blood collection tubes (10ml)
Pre-fill volume (preservative) = 1.0ml
Blood draw volume = 6.5ml
Storage temperature = -20°C to 45°C
Blood DNA preservation = 3 months at room temperature
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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