Biomatrica公司DNAgard® Tissue
DNAgard® is designed for immediate stabilization of DNA from intact cells and tissues with the convenience of room temperature shipping, processing and storage. The liquid storage reagent rapidly permeates cell membranes to stabilize and protect genomic DNA.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Figure 1: Gel image showing genomic DNA isolated from rat kidney (25 mg) stored for 195 days in DNAgard, water (non-protected: NP) or frozen at -80°C was analyzed on 0.8% agarose gel. (M = 1 kb ladder).
Figure 2: Gel images showing genomic DNA isolated from a variety of rat tissues (25 mg) stored for 70 days in DNAgard Tissue, water (non-protected: NP) or frozen at -80°C was analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel. (M = 1 kb ladder).
Figure 3: (A) 106 293T cells were pelleted and the supernatant (media) was removed. Cell pellets were resuspended in 500 µl of DNAgard or water (non-protected). For comparison, 106 cells were spotted on Whatman FTA paper and dried. As a positive control, 106 cells were stored at – 80°C in 10% DMSO. DNAgard, Whatman and non-protected samples were stored at room temperature. After 84 days of incubation samples were processed for DNA isolation using a commercially available column purification technology. (The DNA was eluted from the Whatman FTA samples using Whatman’s published protocol). The DNA yield and integrity from 5 x 104 293T cells was compared directly on a 0.8% agarose gel. (T’0′ is DNA recovered at the time cells were harvested; M = 1 kb ladder). (B) Representative DNA yields from DNAgard samples compared to frozen controls. 1 DNA was isolated from tissue fragments or 106 mammalian 293T cells stored in liquid DNAgard for 2 months. DNA yield was quantified using the Quant-iT PicoGreen fluorescent assay (Invitrogen). Yield is presented as ng of DNA per mg tissue for the animal tissue samples or total DNA for the 293T cell samples.
Successful real-time PCR and long-range PCR after 2 months storage in DNAgard and at -80°C
Figure 4: Rat kidney fragments were weighed (approx. 25 mg each), immediay submerged in DNAgard solution or water (NP), and stored at room temperature. Control samples were frozen and stored at -80°C. After 71 days, total DNA was recovered from the stored samples using a commercially available column purification technology. DNA was analyzed by real time PCR amplification of the beta-actin gene.
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